"Servid al SEÑOR con alegría; venid ante El con cánticos de júbilo." - Salmos 100:2


"Servid al SEÑOR con alegría; venid ante El con cánticos de júbilo." - Salmos 100:2

It all started with Hope


Entenza Music is a Christian music and events production company that serves the Hispanic American community throughout the tri-state area. Our mission is to ensure that everyone has access to a message of hope, faith, and love through the power of Christian music.

David Entenza

“I want Entenza Music to enable artists to convey the word of God through music to audiences everywhere.”


– David Entenza

After many years of success in the Latin music industry, I realized that I wasn’t satisfied with my accomplishments. It all felt very superficial and without purpose. Until one evening when I attended a Christian concert with my family.  It was a life changing experience for me. I looked around and saw thousands of people reacting to the music in a very moving way.  There were strangers all around me crying, praying, and bonding through their faith. Then I looked down and saw my 5-year-old daughter crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she was very moved, and it made her feel emotional because she loves God so much.  I knew at that exact moment that I wanted to be a part of that. 
That’s when Entenza Music was created. I wanted to bring people together to experience God’s love through song and prayer.  Being born into a Christian family, serving the Lord has been a fundamental pillar in my life. I realize that God had been preparing me all along for this role. My degree in business administration and my experience in creating successful musical events has given me the ideal knowledge and expertise needed to proceed with my calling.
Entenza Music has become the vehicle I needed to help a community of children in Pakistan and raise funds to provide access to clean water, food, education, shelter, freedom from child labor and last but not least to spread the word of god

Behind each of us there is a story where a protagonist named Jesus appears on each page.

Director of Production

– Óscar Yunez

A la edad de 16 años, mi vida cambió para siempre cuando acepté a Jesús en mi corazón en una iglesia local con mi hermana Jennifer. Tiempo después comencé a servir como líder adolescente en mi iglesia y a participar en actividades ministeriales gracias al apoyo del pastor Publio Fajardo, quien dejó en mí el legado de caminar con la gente, modelar una vida íntegra y compartir las buenas nuevas. del Evangelio.

En 2009, en una vigilia en Union City, Nueva Jersey, conocí a Carolina, mi esposa, quien me enseñó el valor de la evangelización en las calles. Juntos predicamos en hospitales y lugares psiquiátricos y pudimos ver el poder y el gran amor de Dios. Desde entonces, mi pasión por caminar con Jesús y compartir su amor se ha fortalecido cada día. Soy pastor de jóvenes en la Iglesia Bautista Nazareth y sirvo como líder del distrito de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey del EQUIPO John Maxwell. También soy parte de la AGENCIA FEDERAL DE CHAPLAINS DE EE.UU., como Instructor, Coach de Liderazgo y Miembro de la Junta Administrativa. Soy Director de Producción de ENTENZA MUSIC y sueño con presenciar un avivamiento en mi ciudad, ver jóvenes transformados por el poder de Dios y ser testigo de algo sobrenatural que nuestro Rey hará.

Oscar Yunez