"Servid al SEÑOR con alegría; venid ante El con cánticos de júbilo." - Salmos 100:2


"Servid al SEÑOR con alegría; venid ante El con cánticos de júbilo." - Salmos 100:2

Divine Harmony Unleashed: Experience the Soul-Stirring Sounds of Faith at Our Next Spectacular Christian Concert!

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Spirit-Lifting Sermons and Inspiring Testimonies: Explore the Power of Faith on Our YouTube Channel!

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About Us

Entenza Music is a ticketing platform for Christian Events serving local communities in New Jersey. Our Mission is to provide entertainment to our audience while spreading the message of Hope, Faith and Love through the power of Christian Music.

What Others Say About Us

Maria Rosrio
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I'm looking forward to the next event. David is doing great things for the community.
Jose Estuardo
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Entenza Music is the Best!
Thomas De La Cruz
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I can't wait to see the next event.

Become an Artist

We’re looking for Local NJ Artists, who share our passion for Christian Music. Sign up Today and Join Entenza Music in their Mission by spreading the message of Hope, Faith and Love through Music.